Life Insurance Settlement Market

The marketplace in which life insurance settlements occur is driven, in large part, by the same forces driving all financial services businesses, namely demographics.
In general, the aging of the US population and the gradual shift from asset accumulation, to asset management, and eventually to asset consumption has resulted in an increasing interest in alternatives to more traditional planning processes. A Life Insurance Settlement is a financial option for turning an asset into cash.
This in turn has sparked a growing interest in life insurance settlements as a means of extracting additional value from an asset normally thought of as being "dormant".
Life insurance settlements are an underutilized financial planning tool.
Life insurance industry statistics indicate $1.5 Trillion in life insurance lapses or is surrendered annually.
- $150 Billion in face amount is eligible for life insurance settlement.
- Currently, $2 Billion annually is sold through the life insurance settlement process.
- The annual life insurancesettlement marketplace is estimated to grow 5 to 8 fold in the next five years.
Turn your asset into new found value or offer your clients life settlements by calling RTG Consultants, an affliated life settlement broker, at 1-888-973-8377.
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